Anthology "Kokin Wakashu"

Attributed to Fujiwara no Toshinari

  • Kamakura period, 13th century
  • ink on paper
  • pair of volumes
  • Kamakura period, 13th century | ink on paper | pair of volumes |

Calligraphy - Japanese Calligraphy

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Anthology "Kokin Wakashu"

Anthology "Kokin Wakashu"

This is a copy of the unique handwriting style of Fujiwara no Toshinari ( 1114-1204 ),who advocated the Yugen-tai style. It is written on paper decorated with small pieces of gold and silver foil scattered on the surface, and is one of the manuscripts of the set of two volumes known as Sadaie-bon, edited by Fujiwara no Sadaie.(「New Edition Grace, Beauty and Inqenuity-Masterpices of the Museum of Imperial Collections, Sannomaru Shozokan Vol.1」2003)