Portrait of Ono no Michikaze

Attributed to Raiju

  • Kamakura period, 13th century
  • hanging scroll
  • Kamakura period, 13th century | hanging scroll |

Paintings - Japanese / Asian Paintings

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Portrait of Ono no Michikaze

Portrait of Ono no Michikaze

Ono no Michikaze ( 894-966 ) was a skillful calligrapher worshiped as the god of calligraphy. This portrait is a depiction from the side when he is just about to set his brush down on the scroll paper. It is known as one of the early examples of a superior portrait in Japan. (「New Edition Grace, Beauty and Inqenuity-Masterpices of the Museum of Imperial Collections, Sannomaru Shozokan Vol.1」2003)