Chinese Lions

〈right screen〉 Kano Eitoku,〈left screen〉 Kano Tsunenobu ( Eitoku (1543-90),Tsunenobu (1636-1713) )

  • 〈right screen〉Momoyama period,〈left screen〉 Edo period
  • 〈right screen〉16th century,〈left screen〉 17th century
  • 〈right screen〉Momoyama period,〈left screen〉 Edo period | 〈right screen〉16th century,〈left screen〉 17th century |

Paintings - Japanese / Asian Paintings

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Chinese Lions

Chinese Lions

The right screen is famous the confirmatory work of Kano Eitoku ( 1543-90 ), a master of the Momoyama art world, identified by its colophon by Kano Tan' yu. There's no doubt that this is by Eitoku because of the impressive and valiant depiction of imposing tigers striding among rocks with strong brushwork in spite of simple composition. The left screen was painted to match the right by Kano Tsunenobu ( 1636-1713 ) afterward, and the two were passed down to the present as a pair.(「New Edition Grace, Beauty and Inqenuity-Masterpices of the Museum of Imperial Collections, Sannomaru Shozokan Vol.1」2003)